Approved by Rabbi Benzion Twerski
Warm Food on Shabbos
A quick guide to maintaining or warming food on Shabbos
The following guidelines are based on the recommendation of the Halachic authorities.
Since these Halachos have many details, it is advisable that one who has a compelling need to deviate from these guidelines should consult with a Rabbi.
Additionally, one should attempt to be familiar with the details so they can know what to do when this happens at home.
Heating food from before Shabbos (Maintaining the heat)
- Food should be fully cooked
- Heat source should be covered i.e. Blech (knobs/buttons should be covered as well)
- Food should be placed on heat source before Shabbos
SHABBOS DAY (warming COLD food)
- Food must be fully cooked
- Food must be free of liquid (it is not necessary to scrape off all gravy, just remove large globs)
- Heat source must be UNCONVENTIONAL
- On top of a pot that contains food, or urn , or invert a pan on top of the blech
- On a “Blech” away from the flame where it will not reach 110° F
- On a non-adjustable hot plate
- Immersed in a “Kli Rishon” off the fire (for cooked solids only)
- The heat source needs to be covered i.e.. blech
- Food must be completely cooked
- Food must still be hotter than room temp
- The pot must be held the entire time it is off the flame
- One must have intent to return it from the moment it was removed
STIRRING or SCOOPING (from a “Kli Rishon”)
- Food must be fully cooked
- Pot must be moved away from the direct flame